My Settings Review

My Settings is where the user controls their personal information, dashboard, mail server and lead settings.  It’s a vital part of getting started in using WeOpportunity. This article will define the settings in each of the tabs so you can get started right away in creating and managing your leads.


We’ll begin defining from left to right.

My Settings Tab - allows you to change your user name and password and personal information. You can also select other various settings such as modifications to your calendar or closing information confirmation. Simply click Edit and than Save when you've made changes.


Dashboard Settings Tab - Provides the user with flexibility on the two default dashboards we offer.  The user can toggle between which default view they'd prefer (classic or accounts)


The classic dashboard toggle allows you to set defaults and time frames for which tasks you want to visible to your user as well as any leads and opportunities you can view


You can also toggle date ranges for which statistics you want to be visible for your opportunitys or appointments.


Other miscellaneous options include showing your customers on the dashboard and setting a default year for your sale statistics


The accounts dashboard options allow you to have easier sorting for your customers and allows you to toggle a variety of options for viewing.


Lastly data points allows you to toggle which information you want at your fingertips for your clients. These are controlled within the settings portion of the application


Autosync Settings - Autosync settings allows you (if configured) to sync your outlook account up to Weopportunity.  Through here you can link your outlook information as well as control how often you want to sync for. (Please note not all clients have the auto sync service enabled or installed. It is best to contact your admin for more information)


Lead Management - The lead management tab provides you with some options to default the duration of searchable leads, refresh upon change and setting your default search type when going to the "Lead Management" tab within the application.


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