Bug Fixes
20053 - Resolved: Isolated issue for a client where customer creation failed when passing a lead to another user #11305
Bug Fixes
21089 - Resolved: Adding an associated part to a job was carrying over a $0 unit sell price when the program option 'Ignore Default Margin for Zero Sell Parts' was set to true #12695
21088 - Resolved: Part Import would not carry over labor associated to the parts even if labor is specified in the excel you are importing #12693
21065 - Resolved: Custom text items were not saving properly within the new document editor template #12632
21008 - Resolved: Error resulted when re-selecting a contract after changing the template of the contract #12540
21007 - Resolved: Proposal templates were populating within the contract templates dropdown menu #12540
21006 - Resolved: Pre-approval status tab was not color coordinated by status #12584
21001 - Resolved: Scope of work was clearing after the respective quote package was sent out and signed by the customer through electronic signature #12532
20943 - Resolved: Entering customer information on a new job coming from Sedona wouldn't allow an entry to be used that was from a country other than the US or Canada #12519
20929 - Resolved: Isolated issue for a custom report where RMR values were displaying as negative values #12120
20902 - Resolved: Default folders set for jobs created on folder level two would cause an error and wipe all default folders when the job was opened #12447
20560 - Resolved: Calculated tax on Estimate screen was not calculating correctly under a Basic Tax System #12018
20456 - Resolved: Isolated issue where jobs were not filtering correctly via the Dashboard data range #11877
20380 - Resolved: Generating a summary report from the Dashboard screen after a job was flagged as won resulted in an error #11676
20213 - Resolved: Generating a summary report from the queues on the right side, e.g. Waiting for Accounting Import, Quotes to Pre-Approve, resulted in an error #11589
20018 - Resolved: Adding a reviewer to the DocuSign signing configuration caused an error #11347
20012 - Resolved: Isolated issue for a client's custom report where some sales data information was not populating correctly #11341
19756 - Resolved: Adding an item within a pre-approval system under 'Additional Approvals' caused an error and wouldn't add the item #11074
WeSuite Go!
Bug Fixes
20135 - Resolved: Text to speech feature was not working when adding a note to a prospect or lead #11504
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