WeOpportunity & WeSuite Go!
Attention! IT / System Administrators: The WeSuite QAAPI is Required on IIS Hosting Server for WeOpportunity: The WeSuite QAAPI is required to run WeOpportunity for this and all future releases. The “QAAPI” website is required to be configured on the IIS server hosting the WeOpportunity Sandbox and Production environments. WeSuite will install the QAAPI with this release update. IT Departments with any questions may reach out to deployments@wesuite.com.
WeOpportunity WeSuite Go! Enhancements
22872 – New! Google Calendar and Contact Integration: Introduced functionality to support Google calendar appointment sync to WeOpportunity leads and Global Schedule, from WeOpportunity to Google calendar, and import of Google contacts to leads and export of lead contacts to Google contacts.
WeOpportunity Bug Fixes
22768 – Accounting Integration: SAP Business By Design: Contacts At Prospect Search: Contacts associated to the Customer record were not populating at the Prospect Dashboard after search. #10399
22443 – Accounting Integration: SedonaOffice: Customer Information Editable: customer information from SedonaOffice within a lead was editable at the 'Customer Information' tab. #10165
22619 – Accounting Integration: SedonaOffice Hosted Login Issues: fixed login for hosted systems by SedonaOffice. #10246
22578 – Active Directory Authentication: RFQ Lead to QuoteAnywhere: saving RFQ status and selecting open job in QuoteAnywhere, was not working when User required Active Directory authentication. #10314
22319 – Customer Information Tab within Lead: Export Contact Error: using the “export contact” button within a lead at the 'Customer Information' tab resulted in an error. #9997
22566 - Customer Search in WeOpportunity After Change Customer / New Customer Created in WeEstimate Customer Tab: after selecting the “Change Customer” button in a job in WeEstimate, not seeing the Customer Name needed and selecting “New” to create a new Customer, the new Customer name did not show in search results in WeOpportunity. #10279
21853 - Global Schedule: Appointment Time Display: appointments were displaying for only 30 minute periods instead of the set duration of the appointment. #13948
22819 – Lead Tasks Populating WeSuite Go!: Lead Tasks were not populating in WeSuiteGo! #10594
23061 - Outlook Appointments Not Showing at Stand Alone Tasks: calendar appointments created in Outlook were not showing when “Standalone Tasks” radio button selected in lead. #10693
22245 – Outlook Calendar: Flagging Outlook Appointments Complete Notified Associated Contacts: when flagging Outlook calendar appointments with associated contacts as “Complete”, notification of status went to all contacts. #14430
23104 – Outlook Event Time Change Not Updating Global Calendar: changing the appointment time in Outlook calendar was not updating the event time in Global Calendar. #10831
22504 – Prospecting Dashboard: New Appointment Auto Sync to Outlook Calendar: at the Prospect Dashboard, adding a new calendar appointment i.e. “follow up” was not auto-syncing to the Outlook Calendar. #10185
23300 – PST Time Delay: Lead Search after RFQ Status: leads set to RFQ status would not appear in search results until 24 hours later when RFQ status change occurred after 5 PM PST. #10589
19069 – Regionalized Database System: New Customer Not Defaulting to User’s Assigned Region: adding a new customer in a regionalized database system defaulted the customer to a single Region instead of the Region the User is assigned to. #10238
23269 – Settings: Group Rights: Lead Center and Lead Management: Opportunity Location Fields: Address2 Required Setting: checkbox settings for “Address2” line as required and visible were not saving.
WeEstimate Enhancements
21965 – Add-On Module: Location Based Taxes: Allow Tax Types to Be Marked Exempt: The Tax Types included on the Estimate/job are displayed within the Tax Tab. Users may check Tax Types to be “Exempt” for the Estimate/job. Items using the Tax Type marked as “Exempt” will not show calculated tax in the estimate. The Tax percentage value stored in the tax tables remains.
21162 – Accounting Integration: Export of Won Jobs: Exception Check Is Triggered When RMR Items and Chargeable Items Are Not Mapped: an export exception will be triggered when RMR Items and/or Chargeable Items are not mapped. The exception check may continue in cases when Customer Entity, Site Address, Billing Address, Main Point of Contact, or Parts are not mapped.
13872 – Dashboard: Adding Job to BIN After Job Won Replicates Key Job Information: when creating a new Job within an existing BIN where Job 1 is “won”, the Customer Name, Site Address, Billing Address, Main Point of Contact, Backup Contact, Billing Contact, Site Contact will be copied from the original “won” Job to the new Job in the BIN.
23322 – Dashboard: Archive Tab: Archived Change Orders Search: archived Job Change Orders were not populating in search results when the User Setting “Include Archived Jobs On Search” was set to 'True'.
23164 – Dashboard: Archive Tab: Move Single Job Back to Current: Single jobs (within a BIN) may be highlighted, right click and move back to “current” (the Dashboard screen). You may still right click the BIN and move the entire BIN to the Dashboard.
21729 – Document Screen: Outgoing Document Emails: Include the Job Title in the Email Subject Line: The Subject Line has been enhanced to include the Job Title.
18808 – DocuSign Integration: Quote Package Revision: Enable Reset of Prior Signing Configuration: introduced new functionality to enable reset of a prior signing configuration, to new Contact and Reviewer information when a Quote Package revision is made.
21734 – DocuSign Integration: Introduced Document Signing Orders at Region and Office Levels (Work Flow Templates): added functionality to enable configuration of multiple document signing orders to include the “Region” and “Office” levels versus one company signing order for each document.
20873 – DocuSign Integration: Disabled The “Send for Signature” Button After Electronic Signature Initiation: after the “Send for Signature” button is initiated it will be disabled preventing sales document(s) from being resent for the same document. The “Send for Signature” button is reenabled after the signing process is completed for the initial Quote Package.
20393 - DocuSign: Program Options: eSignature Interface Screen: Enable Region/Office Level Configuration: this enhancement introduces document signing configuration at the Region/Office Level, allowing multiple workflows to be defined for signature of a single document. When a flow is assigned at the Region level, all Offices within the Region will follow the Regional routing order.
23293 - Estimate Screen: Device Location Field Use Carriage Return to List Notes: when adding a “Device Location” or part note for line items at the Bill of Materials, users may use the carriage return or “enter” key to create a list of notes. Notes added in this manner do not update to documents.
23364 – Release Notes Link in What's New: What’s New, found at top command ribbon was updated to include a link to the 'Release Notes' also located at the WeSuite Support area at www.wesuite.com.
WeEstimate Bug Fixes
22974 – Accounting Integration: SAP Business By Design Integration: Add Main Point of Contact at Job Export: during Job export process could not add a Main Point of Contact. #10736
22975 - Accounting Integration: SAP Business By Design: Accounting Contact Company Changes When Added As Contact At Export: estimate is started with an Accounting Main Point of Contact which is then later removed. Parts are added to the estimate and the job is won. During exception check a new Main Point of Contact is searched and selected from another Customer/Company. When added to the job, the Contact Company name changes to the current Customer name. #10743
22394 – Accounting Integration: SAP Business By Design Integration: Estimate Screen: Accounting Import Log Updates: executing the accounting exception check after “wining” the job did not log actions in the Accounting Import Log. #10065
21405 – Accounting Integration: SAP Business By Design Integration: Program Options: Appearances: New Data List Items: new data list items added in Program Options, Appearances would not show for selection on existing jobs. #13144
23210 – Accounting Integration: SedonaOffice: Estimate Screen: When Using Part Discount, Folder Total Different from Document Folder Summary: when using a part discount, it was found that the discount and totals record properly in the database however, the part discount total in the Folder Summary on the Document rounded to the next dollar causing a discrepancy in values shown at document and within the estimate exported to SedonaOffice. #10963
22753 – Accounting Integration: SedonaOffice: Customer Screen: Add/Change Site/Billing Address after Job Creation: after creating a job using a SedonaOffice Customer, could not add / change Billing and Site Address. #10465
21337 – Add-On Module: Business Forms Module: Email Forms Error: selecting the “Email” icon within the Business Forms Screen resulted in an error and did not send email notification to the recipient. #13088
23245 – Add-On Module: Chargeable Items: Gross Profit Margin Percent Rounding When Item is Edited: within the Chargeable Items Editor, editing the cost and sell price of a Chargeable Item set as a “direct” price, shows the gross profit margin percentage rounded to the nearest whole number instead of to two decimal places. #10970
22322 – Add-On Module: Commission Management Module: Addition of Accounting RMR Items to Existing Commission Plan Resulted in Error: adding Accounting RMR Items to an existing Commissions Plan System resulted in an error. #9982
20874 – Add-On Module: Commission Management Module: RAR Instead of RMR “During” Rule Calculation: commission calculation rules dependent on the “during” time period for RMR were substituting RMR for RAR.
22396 – Add-On Module: Finance/Lease Module and Commission Management Modules: Estimate Screen: Part Quantity Change: changing the part quantity on a job after refreshing commission calculations when leasing options are configured resulted in the total job cost on the toolbar differing from the total job cost at the Lease tab. #10045
22405 - Customer Screen: Edit Customer: using the “Edit” button to edit a Customer record (name) to a customer name that already exists resulted in an error. #10084
22418 – Dashboard: Copy Job: Renaming the Job Was Not Updating at Quote Package Creation: copying and renaming a job at the Dashboard was not renaming the Quote Package at the Document Screen. #10107
22467 - DocuSign: Cannot Edit Reviewer Order or Remove Reviewers: could not edit the order of Reviewers or remove a Reviewer prior to initiating document package for electronic signature. #10187
22468 - DocuSign: Editing Reviewer Information Not Updating: editing a Reviewer's name and/or email address prior to initiating document package for electronic signature would use the default Reviewer information instead of the newly entered contact. #10142
22738 - Document Screen: Flagging Quote Package Sent as Won: flagging the sent Quote Package as the winning quote cleared the contents of the Quote Package. #10422
23335 – Document Screen: Job Sell Price for No-Part Folders: the total Outright sale amount for a job was not populating correctly when a job Folder did not include a part. #11120
23260 – Document Screen: Proposal Template Selection Change: after creating a Quote Package and selecting a proposal presentation template, then selecting “Template Maintenance” to edit/create a template and exiting “Template Maintenance”, the proposal presentation template dropdown selection was empty.
22765 - Document Screen: Quote Package Title +74 Characters: quote Package titles with more than 74 characters resulted in a SQL database error. #10494
22249 – Estimate Screen: Accounting Exception Check: New Contact Search: could not clear existing Main Point of Contact, add a new Main Point of Contact to the database within the exception check window, then search and add that new Main Point of Contact. #14571
22487 - Estimate screen: Accounting Parts MSRP Missing: the MSRP value for parts from an accounting system was not populating after adding the part to a job. #10194
21937 - Estimate Screen: Adding RMR Item Calculated from Total System Cost: adding RMR Items calculated from “Total System Cost” had discrepancies in the resulting value on jobs. #14077
22460 - Estimate Screen: Change Default Folder Level Not Saving: select “All Estimate Items” and change the order for the Default Folders would not save the new order. #10145
22294 - Estimate Screen: Discount for Folder Level 2 or 3 Incorrect: applying a Discount to a job containing Folder Levels 2 or 3 resulted in the discount incorrectly calculating. #123
22538 - Estimate screen: Discount or Deposit Greater Than $100: a discount or deposit included greater than $100 would clear when the job was closed and reopened. #10252
21366 - Estimate Screen: Discount Toolbar: Rounding Issue: applying a discount to a job would cause a rounding miscalculation at the “Deposit” on the job. #13150
22348 - Estimate Screen: Part Quantity Change to Zero Update Labor Hours: changing a part quantity with associated labor hours, to zero did not change the associated labor hours to zero. #10022
22777 – Estimate Screen: RMR Item Refresh Issue: if the Job RMR Tab was not selected before drag/drop of an RMR Item to job Folders, the added RMR Item(s) did not show at the job RMR Tab unless the job was closed and reopened. #10535
22414 – Estimate Screen: Simple Tax Configuration: when the tax configuration is set to “Sum Only” the “Total Tax” amount will not be affected by the value shown in the “Sum Only” column. The “Total Tax” is changed only when “Cost Only” or “Cost & Sell” are selected. The label for “Actual Tax” has been updated to “Estimated Tax”.
22577 – Estimate Screen: Status Tab: Job 2 “Won” Date Defaults 1-1-1999: the default won date for a Job 2 within Job BIN defaulted to 1-1999 versus current date or date job is set to “won”.
20911 – Export Screen: Accounting Exception Process: Option to Select “Sold To” Customer: a new option was added at the Export Screen to allow selection of a “Sold To” customer entity.
22360 – Global Package Editor: Part Price Update from Accounting: parts from accounting integration within Packages may be selected for update of price and part description. Select the Package, click “edit”, at the part grid (lower portion of screen) highlight the part to be updated. At left select the “Latest Pricing” icon. You may update both the part price and description or, part price only. #10034
23173 – Program Options: Labor Categories: calculated Labor “% of Total Material Cost”: when including labor categories that calculate as a percentage of “Total Material Cost”, the labor calculation was not working on multi-Folder jobs. #10905
22373 – Program Options: Package Editor: adding an accounting part that includes labor at the part level to a Package would not add labor to the Package. #10035
22360 – Program Options: Package Editor: Part Price Update: selecting the “Price Update” icon/function to update part costs in Package(s) in the Package Editor resulted in an error. #10034
23209 – System Configuration: Material Burden Outside of User’s Region: if creating a job under a different Region than the User is assigned, the job would default to the User’s Region Material Burden instead of using the Material Burden configured for the quoted Region. #10909
22723 - System Configuration: Regionalized Database: Labor Only Region: in a “regionalized” database system, setting a Region as a 'Labor Only Region' would cause an error after saving and reselecting 'System Configuration'. #10385
22054 – System Configuration: For WeEstimate Only Systems: Program Options: Appearances: System Type: could not add a new System Type (system not integrated with an accounting platform). #14268
20144 - System Configuration: Regions & Offices: setting a Region to “Labor Only” that includes an Office results in an error. #11513
21519 – System Level Part Import: after successful completion of parts import an error message would show and the application would require log out. #13562
22605 - Universal Report Grid: Installation Date Editable: at the URG, the “Installation Date” column was editable. This date is editable only within the Lead in WeOpportunity. #10329
22506 – Wire Tab: Job Summary Report $0 Wire Value: using the Wire Module tab, the dollar value of included Wire was not showing on the Job Summary Report. #10210
QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey
QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey Enhancements
22865 – Accounting Integration: Job Screen: Search Panel: Default to Accounting Database For Searches: when integrated with an accounting system the search panel default will be “Accounting” instead of “WeSuite Database”. Users may select WeSuite Database as needed for additional Parts, Package, Labor, Chargeable Items and Services searches.
22805 - Document Screen: Proposal: Cover Letter and Scope of Work: Font Styles Added, Font Size Changes Supported: updated default font style options to include additional fonts. Can highlight and change font style and size.
21931 – Document Screen: Proposal Template: Custom Selection Relocated Under Default: the “Custom” page and checkbox selection options for proposal document templates has been relocated to just under the “Default” selection for easier access by users.
14202 – Job Revisions: Add Job Revision At Any Screen: enabled the ability to add a job revision (after initial job proposal/contracts are sent), from any screen by clicking the job status icon at the top of the screen to the left of the job number.
22897 – Job Screen: + Button for Quick Add of Parts, Packages, Labor Items, Chargeable Items, Services: a plus + button has been added to allow quick addition of Parts, Packages, Labor Items, Chargeable Items and Services from the search panel. Drag and drop function is also available.
22785 – Job Screen: Parts: Add Part Location Notes: Users may add a Location Note to parts being added to the Job. Part notes may be added in the Part pop up and edited at the Material line item. Part notes icon shows on the Summary information screen indicating that notes are at the Bill of Materials. Part notes export to the Summary report in Excel.
21733 – Job Screen: Sigma Total Outright Sale: Miscellaneous Items Added: after clicking the “total Outright sale price” or Sigma icon, a category summary has been added “Miscellaneous” to account for pricing of background configured items in WeEstimate that do not exist as items in QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey. This to ensure correct final sell price.
23073 – Job Screen & Site Survey Screen: Outright Sale Packages That Include Part(s) with Zero Quantity Add 1 When Used On Job: when an Outright Sale Package is added to a Job and the Package includes parts defined as 0 quantity, the system will automatically include a quantity of 1 for each 0 quantity part. If additional quantities are needed Users will search and add the required additional parts from the database (outside of the Package).
22133 - Job screen: Total Sale Includes Total Tax Included On Job: if tax is included on the job (based on System Configuration settings in WeEstimate), the total tax amount included can be seen by clicking the Sigma icon (screen bottom) at the total sale area.
22910 – My Settings: Set Default Folder Levels: Users may select the preferred Default Folder Level for New Job Creation, Add Job to Existing: Add Change Order.
22352 – Site Survey: Add Canvas Image: Take Photo or Load From Device: when adding a background image to the digital canvas, users may opt to “Take a Photo” from the laptop/tablet they are using or, add a saved image to the canvas.
22412 – Summary Screen: General information: Removed the 'Discount' and 'Total Deposit' fields from the General Information ribbon
22057 - Summary Screen: Summary information Excel Export Includes “Miscellaneous Items:” Value: a category and row on the Excel Summary Information report has been included as “Miscellaneous Items” to represent background costs in the sale value that are not material items, labor, or chargeable items on the job.
21272 – Tools: Program Options: WeEstimate: Setting to Auto-win Job in QuoteAnywhere When On-Device Signing Is Completed: a Program Option has been added in WeEstimate, when set to “True” enables automatic winning of jobs when the electronic signing process is completed on-device in QuoteAnywhere by all parties. When documents are sent via email for electronic signing Users are required to change the job status to “won” after the signing process is completed.
QuoteAnywhere and the Site Survey Bug Fixes
22760 - Document Screen: Custom Text Items Show Twice After Save And Select Another Tab: Custom Text Items included in Proposal would show twice after initial CTI save, deselection of that Proposal document and selection of another. #10477
22140 - Document screen: Proposal Document: Custom Checkbox Template Selection Changing to “Default”: “Custom” Proposal checkbox template selection was changing to “Default” after navigating to another application screen. Default' #14464
19304 - Document screen: Proposal and Contract Documents Checkbox Icons Within Documents Show As Characters When Generated: proposal and contract documents that include checkbox “icons” were generating as character symbols instead of checkboxes. #9675
22277 – Site Survey Screen: Canvas Image Zoom Level Not Saving: applying a zoom level to the image on the digital canvas would not save. #9907
22821 – Site Survey Screen: Package Items Show Outside of Package: after adding a Package to the Site Survey canvas, some Package items appeared outside of the Package. #10505
19339 - Summary screen: General information: Lead ID Field Was Blank: lead status changed to “RFQ” and job opened in QuoteAnywhere. The Lead ID number was not showing at “Lead ID”, General information at the Summary screen. #10616
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