Updating GPM for Specific Folders

This article will walk you through how to setup and configure GPM on a folder level.


1. Open/Create an Estimate

2. Create multiple folders

3. Add Parts


4. Select the folder with parts that need a specific GPM assigned


5. On the bottom half of the screen (parts grid), go to the left hand pane which has the Item GPM Adjust (screenshot below)ApplicationFrameHost_1IKaknl0W6.png

6. Click on triangle to the right of the icon to open the text window when the new GPM to be asisgned can be entered

*As shown in the screenshot, the parts items are automatically highlighted


7. Input new GPM to be assigned to the parts

8. Click 'Enter'


Note: Users are able to confirm the new GPM is applied onnly to the specific folder but either clicking on the other folders in the estimate or clicking "All Estimate Items" to see the differences in the GPM column.

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