How to Import Parts to WeEstimate

This is a quick article on how to import parts to WeEstimate from an excel sheet. 

The first part would be to prepare the excel sheet. Once you have the parts you'd like to import the next step would be to label the headers of the columns.

The mandatory columns are - 

Mfgr - Manufacturer

Model - Model/Part Number

Descr - Part/Sales Description

UnitCost - Cost of the part


Once you have these parts and headers created, open up WeEstimate and go to: 

1. Tools

2. Part Import

3. New



From the pop-up window, select your excel sheet (4) and click on open (5)


Upon clicking open, you'll notice that your part list will be listed, along with all of the columns you created. If the column headers are green and the text is black than there are no errors found (6). If needed, you can choose the correct mapping in the WeSuite Data Field headers (7). Simply click on import and the parts will be in the system upon the next log in (8).Snag_2275dbc0.png


If the headers or text are in red, then that would imply that there may be an issue with the columns or an issue on the part level. To verify that the naming convention on the part is accurate, click on the drop down in the header name to verify the column's correct spelling - 

If the part level is red, then please go through the description (there is a 500 character length) and make sure there are no odd characters or symbols. 


In addition to the four basic columns, you can add more information on your excel sheet to bring over or have included on the import. They are seen on the excel sheet attached.

There is a limit of 600 characters in part description when importing a list


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