Sedona Import Process and Accounting Exception Walkthrough

This article will walk you through the process of starting the import from WeEstimate to Sedona Office.


Job Export Process From WeEstimate: 

After an Estimate is marked as “won”, the person/people responsible for the Job export/import process, the “Accounting Export” process are automatically notified via email from WeSuite. After logging into WeEstimate and opening the “winning” Estimate, at the Estimate Screen the User performing the process will click the Accounting Tab.


Click “Continue Exception Check” to continue or, “Cancel Preparation” to exit the processmceclip2.png

After clicking “Continue Exception Check”, WeEstimate provides notification of any issues requiring resolution before the job can be inserted into the Job Management queue in SedonaOffice. In this case, 13 issues require resolution. Click Ok.


WeEstimate will show the issues to be resolved and provide a tool for resolution. 

Accounting Exceptions: 

The icons at the top line indicate issues in need of resolution. Each icon represents a required item for the job to be imported by the accounting system. Any icon not “green” requires resolution. In this example, the first requirement is to select a Job Type and System Type for each line. This will resolve the Job/System Types shown for: (7) parts, (2) labor items, (2) RMR items. Notice the indication “Not Ready for import”. mceclip4.png

First select the Job Type and System Type for each line item. The line items shown are the names of the “Folders” the User created in the Estimate. An Estimate can be brought in as one Job by selecting the same Job Type and System Type for all line items. Alternatively, if a different Job Type and/or System Type is selected for the line items, the Estimate will come into SedonaOffice as a job that can be invoiced per Job Type/System Type combination. mceclip6.png

The selection of Job Type and System Types cleared the Job/System Type exceptions. Notice they are all now “green”. 

Next, the Mapping resolution for (1) Part and (1) RMR item needs to happen. Click on the icon. mceclip7.png

The exception item will show at the upper portion of the screen. The search window will be auto-filled with the part manufacturer. An auto search on the Accounting System happens and results are shown from the accounting system in the area below the search window. mceclip8.png

If the search results include an item the exception item can be mapped to, click the row of the exception item, click the desired item in the search results and then click “Map It!”. Map It! Comes alive after the mapping items are selected. 

For One Time Parts added to Estimates, WeEstimate will flag each part as an exception as seen in the example above. Most often it is best to stop, go into SedonaOffice, create the new part and then continue the exception check or map the part in the Accounting Exception window during the import. Once the part(s) are in SedonaOffice inventory, the mapping only needs to be completed once. New parts will be available as well for search and use on new Estimates. mceclip9.png

The same principal applies: if the RMR and Charge items from WeSuite does not exist in SedonaOffice a best practice is to stop, create the new item in SedonaOffice, map the items and then continue.


Once exceptions are clear, the “Ready For Import” button is green. Click Ready for Import. 


Option - Select the Job Phase: the Job Phase will either be pre-set with the default selected in the Accounting Interface or, if none selected, will show as -1. From the drop down, select the Phase for each line item as required. mceclip12.png

The final screen of the import process requires selection of a Material Invoice Item. In this case, the setting for Combined Invoice Item is on. Users may deselect this and select individual Invoice Items for each: Material, Labor and Other if desired. Because the settings in Accounting Appearances in this example are to combine the items to one Invoice Item, the User may make the drop down selection once and it will autofill the other columns. mceclip13.png

The image below shows selection of a Material Invoice Item and auto-fill of Labor and Other Invoice Item columns. (This because of the “Combine Material” check box selection). 


After selections are made, the Invoice Item columns and “All exceptions set” area turn green and the “Finish and Queue in Accounting” button is active. To proceed, click “Finish and Queue in Accounting”.


Mark as Imported

If an Estimate has been imported into Sedona without going through the Import process steps above but Accounting would like to account for an Estimate being imported, there is a "Mark as Imported" button available in the Accounting tab in the Estimate screen:

Note: In doing this step, the Estimate will not be linked to the job in Sedona - the user will not be able to create change orders to connect to the base job in Sedona via WeEstimate.

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