DocuSign Set Up

This article will walk you through the Docusign Setup and configuration. It is broken out by section to better explain the process.


Inputting DocuSign Credentials:


  1. Go to Tools > Program Options > eSignature Interface
  2. In Signature System dropdown, select DocuSign
  3. Settings are filled in during configuration by WeSuite Team member. ***DO NOT change data in "Values" unless DocuSign APILogin and/or DocuSign APIPwd***

Accessing signing configurations of specific documents:


  1. Go to Tools > Program Options > Document eSignature Setup
  2. select document to display signing configuration

Signing configuration items definitions:mceclip1.png

Receipient Type

"Needs to Sign" = configured during DocuSign configuration by WeSuite team

"Needs to Review"* = recipient is required to open/review documents for transaction to be completed

"Receives a Copy"* = recipient will receieve a copy of the documents but is not required to complete the transaction

Signing Order

"Sequential" = subsequent signers will be notified to sign only after previous signer has completed signing

"Parallel" = signer will be notified and able to sign simultaneously with previous signer

Contact Type

"Main" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"Backup" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"Billing" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"On-Site" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"Subcontractor" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"Consultant" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"General Contractor" = data pulled from Customer Screen

"Sales person" = data pulled from System Configuration > User Setup

"Manual" = user will be able to manually enter Name and Email

Name/Email Fields to be filled in if specific Name and Email address are to sign/review (conincides with "Contact Type")
Region/Office eSign Template

set up of different configurations for different offices/regions; different workflows in the different regions/offices. 


Note: Signers with Receipient Type = "Needs to Sign" CANNOT be deleted

Add Reviewer*

ability to add a reviewer to the list of signers (coincides with "Receipient Type")
Up/Down change order of which signers sign

* = Requires DocuSign Enterprise Pro account


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